Re: [RSP] Telco 6.6.2014

Le 06/06/2014 11:11, Antoine Zimmermann a écrit :
> Regrets again :(
> BTW, even though I've not yet had the chance to participate in the
> calls, could you send again the details about how to join. I'll save
> them for future telecon.

Sorry, I just saw Josiane's email...

> Thanks,
> AZ
> Le 06/06/2014 10:31, Axel Polleres a écrit :
>> regrets (once again) from my side as well, I will check next week
>> whether I can get back up to speed again and confirm whether I can
>> attend the Berlin meeting (looks good).
>> Axel
>> --
>> Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
>> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
>> url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres
>> On 06 Jun 2014, at 00:42, Alessandra Mileo <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jean Paul.
>>> Unfortuntely I'll be stuck in another project meeting tomorrow, but I
>>> confirm my attendance on 27th in Berlin (although my flight is in the
>>> evening so I would have to leave around 5pm).
>>> Beside my interest in the Data Model and Time Operators, I also
>>> agreed with Monika that I will contribute to the Windows to Stream
>>> operator.
>>> Best,
>>> Alessandra
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Dr. Alessandra Mileo
>>> Research Fellow & Project Leader
>>> INSIGHT Research Center
>>> NUI Galway, Ireland
>>> Email:
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> On 05/giu/2014, at 23:20, Jean Paul Calbimonte
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I wanted to let you know that some of us had an informal meeting in
>>>> ESWC. We only discussed the document at a high level. We propose
>>>> that we take advantage of the F2F meeting in Berlin to sit down and
>>>> try to have a first written version of the RDF stream model. Apart
>>>> from that we discussed some of the main 'agreements' we informally
>>>> made during the past months on the telcos, and we wrote them as
>>>> short sentences in the document.
>>>> Tomorrow we can go through them, so to check that at a high level we
>>>> are fine. So this is the  proposed agenda for tomorrow:
>>>> * Review document bulletpoints
>>>>    - Time and Stream model
>>>> * Berlin meeting
>>>>    - confirmed attendance
>>>>    - propose agenda
>>>>    - planned outcome
>>>> I also remind you that the Berlin meeting will take place on June
>>>> 27. On june 24 we'll have an informal preparation meeting. The 27 is
>>>> dedicated exclusively to work on the document. For the 24th I
>>>> propose a wider-scoped agenda, we can discuss that tomorrow.
>>>> It is not easy to converge, but in ESWC we agreed that we will not
>>>> pursue a 'one-size-fits-all' thing, but rather a flexible model that
>>>> different implementations can take as a reference or at least
>>>> starting point.
>>>> @Danh or Josi, can we set up the webex call for tomorrow please?.
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Jean-Paul

Antoine Zimmermann
ISCOD - Institut Henri Fayol
École nationale supérieure des mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
CS 62362
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03
Fax:+33(0)4 77 42 66 66

Received on Friday, 6 June 2014 09:13:02 UTC