[rsp] Next calls, report and F2F meeting

Dear all,

I'd like to let you know that next RSP call will be on Apr25 and then May) as decided in our last meeting:


Also we agreed to start working on a public document that summarizes what we have done (including cleanup and more formal writing of our positions). Alasdair has already provided a google doc where we will start filling the contents:

For this, we will use our 2nd F2F meeting to start a ToC and then fill in the blanks. However the doc is already there, so you feel free to suggest material for the contents already. The 2nd F2F meeting will take place during ESWC, May26. More details to be announced.

There is a possibility of a 3rd F2F meeting in the W3C Web of Things Wshop: http://www.w3.org/2014/02/wot/
If we get a nice number of people this can be another good oportunity to get together.

Thanks a lot,

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2014 13:32:03 UTC