Re: W3C RSP community Group phone call

Hi All,

I'm Alasdair J G Gray and am in the process of moving to Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh to be a lecturer. I have worked on various aspects of stream data processing and data integration both within the semantic web and database communities; including developing SNEE – an intelligent wireless sensor network data management system with query processing capabilities – and working with Jean-Paul and Oscar on the SPARQLStream language.

Looking forward to being engaged in this community group. Speak to you next week,


On 23 Aug 2013, at 23:49, Jean-Paul <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> After receiving your availability data the most suitable datetime for the phone call is: Wed 11 Sept, 15:00 CEST.
> The agenda items for the moment are:
> - RSP CG introduction & goals
> - Members presentation
> - Expected Reports & Specs
> - F2F meeting
> - Set up periodic calls
> If you want to add something to this quick list jut share it.
> Thanks a lot and see you.
> Jean-Paul
> PS: By the way we can already start presenting ourselves:
> I'm Jean-Paul Calbimonte, postdoc at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (OEG UPM). I have worked on data access and querying for streaming data sources, including those coming from sensors among others, using semantic technologies. We have worked previously at UPM on streaming extensions for SPARQL (SPARQLStream) and this is one of the reasons why we are interested in collaborating in this community group. We have also worked on SRBench and other benchmarking efforts during the last year, collaborating with other research groups.
> 2013/8/9 Jean-Paul <>
> Hello everyone,
> Thanks for Joining the RDF Stream Processing Community Group.
> We are now scheduling our first phone call in September, and I would
> ask you to fill your timing preferences.
> In short we will elaborate a tentative agenda for this call.
> We remind you that we will have a 1st f2f meeting in Sydney during
> ISWC. We will provide details soon.
> Jean-Paul Calbimonte
> PS: Sorry if you received this message twice.
> --
> Jean-Paul Calbimonte
> Ontology Engineering Group
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
> -- 
> Jean-Paul Calbimonte
> Ontology Engineering Group
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Dr Alasdair J G Gray
Research Associate
+44 161 275 0145

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Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2013 11:23:58 UTC