Telecon Followup: Context in Google Docs

Hi Lisa, All:

A little bit of searching lead me to the following tools and bits of
wisdom which may be helpful in COGA's work. My purpose, of course, is
finishing CTAUR, but your need for knowing where you are when you open a
Google Doc provided as a link is a meaningful requirement. So, I poked
around a bit and found there are indeed tools to help, and even things
W3C might do to help! Here's my short list.


A great overview of metadata and how it functions in Google Docs.
Everyone will benefit from the very understandable explanations at the
beginning of this article. 


This post discusses metadata label management including how to control which
users can see the labels, together with pointers on how users do that.

Note that some of this facility MAY come with a paid subscription. Were
W3C ever to move to a paid service, I expect Google Docs would not be our
most accessible choice.

3.)	Drive API Guide

Discusses how to use metadata in Google Docs via the Drive API.

4.)	Gdoc Metadata Adder

Just in case the 150 default labels isn't enough metadata in a Google
Doc, this github hosted tool provides a Drive API based means to add
key/value duples into a file.




Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 13:10:13 UTC