Re: Possible additional CTAUR edit

On 4/3/24 07:52, Janina Sajka wrote:
> So, maybe we resolve this concern this time around, or maybe it's
> another edit for the next working draft. I propose we not let this topic
> hold us up from updating the working draft in preparation for our
> meeting with COGA. I don't believe this particular issue is of
> significance to them. It's more of a screen reader and/or keyboard
> command user feature.
I agree in general. However, it also relates to the notion, expressed by 
the COGA Task Force, of giving users interfaces with which they are 
"familiar". The difficulty, however, is that Web application developers 
don't know what is "familiar" to each user in the absence of 
configuration settings and multiple options. Detecting user agent and 
operating system raises privacy concerns, and can lead to incorrect 
inferences (e.g., the assumption that the user's current device is their 
most familiar device) - true in many cases, but not all.

Received on Monday, 4 March 2024 17:56:43 UTC