Re: Suggestions for Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements for discusion on the coga call on Monday

+rqtf so that we can get a running start on these during our call today!

Thanks, Lisa. This is very helpful.


Lisa Seeman writes:
> Hi Folks
> Here are my remaining suggestions for Collaboration Tools
> Accessibility User Requirements <>. If you
> have time please review them and see if anything important is missed.
> 1. Change: In addition, non-normative guidance of a general nature on
> improving accessibility for people with cognitive and
> learning disabilities has been published in [coga-usable].
> to :  "many of the gaps in WCAG on improving accessibility for people
> with cognitive and learning disabilities has been   addressed in
> [coga-usable].  "
> 2. Change requirement 19 in section  9. General Guidance on
> Implementing Accessibility Features of Collaborative Environments
> Change :Support the user interface conventions and accessibility
> features of the user's operating system, desktop environment, user
> agent and assistive technology.
> to : Use the user interface conventions for design patterns, icons and
> terms  and support  accessibility features of the user's operating
> system, desktop environment, user agent and assistive technology.
> *and *add to the  end of the paragraph :  People with impaired memory
> may need familiar design patterns, labels  and symbols to be able to
> use the environment. For example, terms such as help, copy, Paist,
> save and saveas are common terms that users are familiar with.  Avoid
> making the user need to learn new terms, Icons or design patterns.
>  3 Add to section 19
> User Need 20: Users with learning or cognitive disabilities or who use
> assistive technologies need to be able to complete tasks and follow
> processes correctly without cognitive overload
> *REQ 20* Have short critical paths with as few steps as possible, and
> label clearly where the user is at each step of a process. Do not
> require    the user to open multiple tabs, windows or panels to
> complete a task as    remembering and navigating though this content
> can dissorentate the user. For example, The user should be able to
> save their work via a single event . When the user makes a mistake
> make it is a single step to  roll back, make changes, undo and go
> back.
>  *The following  suggestions seem to be misunderstood as **suggestions
> for the **author rather then environment. I reworked the drafts but
> can still do with help. Suggestions for new drafts are specifically
> welcome: *
>  *User Need 21:*  (was user need 4 and 5 in our draft on add help (5)
> and orientation information (4))  Users with   executive function
> impairments are often easily disorientated. They will need information
> that clarifies the purpose of the content, the position they are in
> the process and easy to find instructions.
> *Note that this is about the environment providing support such as  a
> consistent place to fill this information as well as support and help
> on common tasks .
>  REQ 21 ( was Requirement 4 and 5 ) Add mechanisms that help the user
> orientate themselves and find useful support. For example, help the
> author make the topic and connections to other documents clear. by
> providing automated breadcrumbs showing the drive name and the
> document title. Ideally there should be a constant mechanism so that
> authors can provide and users can find any task specific instructions.
> For example, an icon and link to a readme document is always available
> on the main toolbar, including an option for easy reading and for
> users of assistive technology such as screen readers. These mechanisms
> should be used consistently including for any instructions on common
> tasks  and environmental processes and should be available from all
> relevant parts of the process.
> -- 
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman-Horwitz
> LinkedIn <>, Twitter
> <>


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2024 10:06:34 UTC