Additional comments for review of CTAUR from coga


Hear are the two additional emails of comments and one comment from me that
I had yet to put into the review of CTAUR from coga . Note that I might not
be able to post to RQTF, so I am also posting to APA.

1: From John:
I went through it… overall i’m unsure about the definition of collaboration
tools frankly.
I think a call may be good.

I’d just add:
• Microsoft Office 365,
• Google Workspace  now to the list.
We are really talking about the collaborative functionlity of these content
creation tools ( For Documents,Presentations, spreadsheets, designs etc)

However it seems to me the definition  a "callaboration tool” these days is
more like Miro, Trello, Slack, Jira, Asana,Canva. … do we want to go there?

But maybe not. … I think the wording should be changed to collaboration
functionlity rather than 'collaboration tools'?

Should we aldo note...
something of the importune of these tools as a very giving access and
accommodations to people with cognitive disabilities. Gives the "a seat at
the table".
Real time collaboration functionality is maybe one of the most powerful
tools for cognitive accessibility. Helping someone in real-time finding
their place, tracking information, giving real time understanding. Real
time editing can serve functional cognitive assistance can be under the
guise of ‘collaboration’. Think about screen sharing with a family member
to help them complete a process? Or end bling someone in vocational
capacity that needs assistance for access.

End of screed. ;)

2: From SHawn

I don’t have anything to add to the document. It’s full of great

I love the last line of text in the document: “Silence is not necessarily
an indicator of agreement.”. I’m often silent but it’s more because I
couldn’t read the document in Google Docs and didn’t have the spoons to
convert it.

My main difficulty with collaborative tools, particularly Google Docs, is
it doesn’t work with my text to speech tool, Mac Spoken Content. I was told
to switch browsers instead and use a plugin to read the contents of the
documents but I’m not going to do that as I only want to depend on
remembering how to use one tool.

I’m curious how screen reader users feel about having to use a new tool
instead of the screen readers they are used to using? Instead of using
their normal action keys, they have to use different ones when using a
specific collaborative tool?

I’d like to see something in that document that talks about allowing users
to use the options/tools/functions they are used to and not have to relearn
something new. It’s talked about a bit in there but I feel it’s missing

If I want to read / comprehend a Google Docs, I have to download it to a
Word document, which Google allows you to do, then open it up in Word to
read with my tool. Which breaks the collaboration part because I can no
longer follow what people are adding in real time.

Although what Jennie and I found out when working on the sub group, was
that we could put a Word doc on Google Drive and open it in the browser or
in Word directly if you have Google Drive synced on your operating system.
You still loose some of the collaboration options but still better than
download and upload versions like we did in the 2000s.

Something I’d like to see in the future is interoperability between editing
tools. Content is content and the tool is just the user interface. I can
see this maybe happening with markdown, but I think we are far from that.

I miss meeting with you folks and I hope to be able to find the bandwidth
to join you all soon.


Shawn Thompson, WAS

3: our additional comment from the call today

We had great difficulty following threads in comments and
mentally following were these multiple discussions ended and what the
conclusion was, as well as the overall status of the document.
This could lead to a requirement of allowing wrapp features on any text and
expanding any section of the screen so that full text is visible.

All the best

Lisa Seeman-Horwitz

LinkedIn <>, Twitter

Received on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 16:21:32 UTC