Remote meetings issues & COGA info

To the RQTF

Happy new year everyone!  I've returned to work after our summer break and looking forward to catching  up on the call this week.

Just a quick update on remote meetings - I've updated the open issues based on our RQTF meetings at the end of last year, and I'll endeavour to get all the issues in the COGA document into Gibhub with my comments tomorrow. Would welcome some time on this week's call to go through some of the current open issues.

I've also caught up on last week's minutes, looks like the CAPTCHA review is going great.

I'm also making progress on using GitHub more broadly happily! Really appreciate everyone's help with this.

Thanks everyone,


Dr Scott Hollier
CEO & Co-founder

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Received on Monday, 10 January 2022 09:56:45 UTC