New requirements for RAUR for Deaf and hard of hearing users

Hi all,

I've parsing feedback from Wendy Dannels, National Technical Institute 
for the Deaf regarding the XAUR but, I think these may be more relevant 
to the RTC document.
I've drafted a couple of new potential requirements, for 'Window 
Anchoring and Pinning' based on Wendys suggestions. [1] [2] [3]

These are:

1f: Allow the user to change the size of the video(s) especially for 
sign language interpreters, certified deaf interpreters, and signing people.
1g: Do not limit the number to windows that can be pinned.

I think these would be very useful additions to the RTC Accessibility 
User Requirments document, thoughts?





Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2021 11:57:35 UTC