XAUR and COGA input branch for review

Hi all,

Just a heads up that I have minted a new branch for us to review 
tomorrow on our call.
Please have a look beforehand if possible. The main parts to note are:

Relating to #180 - Wayfinding

I've changed the name of two categories to 'Orientation and navigation' 
as well as 'Spatial orientation: Mono audio option' - and edited User 
Need 13 to include people with spatial orientation impairments. I like 
this as it broadens the net for the basic user need. Most of the wording 
for the user need is from David Fazio, as he clearly articulates it.


Relating to #181 and #184 - Actionable Targets.
I've taken the suggested new user needs/requirements and now refer to 
them in a note, and then riff on the need for accessibility APIs to map 
custom user interface actions to control types as suggested last week.  
I've also referenced in the note the content usable doc to provide 
useful patterns for the reader.


Then we have issues 176 and 183 to also discuss tomorrow.


Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 14:52:57 UTC