Re: [External] WebXR API and low resolution captions Re: Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) agenda for 14 July 2021

Thanks Raja.

Raja Kushalnagar wrote on 15/07/2021 14:45:
> Caption and text legibility have similar characteristics, probably 
> including resolution. The main difference is time synchronization and 
> presentation, which impacts characteristics such as time-to-decode per 
> line.
Another potential interesting issue to explore would be if not 
privileging captions and any related support mechanisms, results in poor 
synchronization between various media in immersive environments.

This is timely due to our current work on media synchronization. [1]

I'm wondering aloud here, and not saying this is happening but worth 
looking at just in case.




Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Thursday, 15 July 2021 15:05:24 UTC