Re: Meeting agenda for 6 January 2021

My regrets for today's meeting due to a conflict with another meeting which was scheduled over top of today's slot. I should be back on next week.

Best to all,


Steve Noble
Instructional Designer, Accessibility
Psychometrics & Testing Services


502 969 3088<>


From: White, Jason J <>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 9:26 AM
To: RQTF <>
Subject: Meeting agenda for 6 January 2021

RQTF Agenda

  *   Time: Wednesday, 6 January 2021 at 9:00am Boston time (1400 UTC) – please verify what this corresponds to in your time zone.
  *   Teleconference logistics (including Zoom password) are on the Web page at<>.


The main purpose of the meeting is to continue our systematic discussion of RAUR open issues, resuming at #118. Any other topics will be considered if meeting time permits. Josh has prepared a list of RAUR-related issues that have been opened on GitHub. His list of issues is reproduced in the references section below.

If time allows, we also plan to commence discussion of two new RQTF topics – a forthcoming W3C workshop, and the accessibility of miniApps (on last year’s agenda but postponed due to the RAUR publication process).


agenda+        RTC Accessibility User requirements (RAUR) open issues.

agenda+        W3C Workshop on Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range for the Web.

agenda+        MiniApp accessibility.

agenda+        Miscellaneous updates and topics relevant to Task Force work.

Please e-mail through any additional agenda items.

RAUR Open Issues

Please monitor the mailing list for additional issues.

  *   [NEW User Need / REQ ] Repeat/Review feature for pinned audio RAUR requirement #120<>
  *   WebRTC needs mechanism to handle the metadata needed to re-aggregate Pinned audio content RAUR requirement #119<>
  *   [NEW Use Case] Pinning audio output RAUR requirement] #118<>
  *   [ITU-T] VRS / REQ 9a: Provide or ensure support for video relay and remote interpretation services. RAUR #117<>
  *   Security aspects of remote captioning content and alternate formats RAUR enhancement requirement #116<>
  *   Media Synchronisation references RAUR enhancement #115<>

·        4.1 Deaf users: Video resolution and frame rates RAUR #114<>

·        2.9 Emergency calls: Support for Real-time text (RTT) RAUR question #113<>

·        User Need 9: Any deaf or hard of hearing user watching captioning or audio description needs to be confident it is synchronised and accurate.  RAUR enhancement #112<>

Additional References

  *   W3c Wide Color Gamut/High Dynamic Range workshop page:<>
  *   MiniApp resources (Josh’s wiki page on MiniApp accessibility):<>
  *   Joint APA Working Group meetings at TPAC 2020<>
  *   Research Questions Task Force – main wiki page that refers to work in progress and other documents:<>
  *   Minutes of previous meeting:<>


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Received on Wednesday, 6 January 2021 13:17:12 UTC