RAUR update: Preservation of Metadata - draft text added

Hi all,

A couple of things. I've reviewed this, and on reflection don't think we 
need a new user need here.

So I've written a new draft requirement relating to 'Call participation 
and status' and added it to '2021-jan-raur' branch:


It states:

 >REQ 14b: Ensure participant metadata such as their name, their 
affiliation or other relevant information, is correctly associated with 
the meeting record and can be >preserved for review after the call. This 
should be done with the participants consent.

Please do review and we can discuss later. I also edited the original 
user need  to not explicitly call out 'a screen reader user' - as I 
think the user need is broader than just screen reader users.

I hope this captures the thinking and spirit of the discussion from last 

Comments and questions welcome!


Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 12:01:08 UTC