Agenda+ Support in a process: New suggested COGA user need for RAUR

Hi all,

Janina, we missed this in our discussion today, but need to discuss this 

There is a new suggested requirement:

*Add to User Need 16*the following requirements:

  * REQ 16c: Allow support from any point in the process.
  * REQ 16d: The support is easy to find and use such that people with
    learning and cognitive disabilities can give feedback, ask
    questions, and get feedback:
    -- in a similar time frame to everyone else,
    -- using their preferred communication method (form, email, chat,
    phone support, etc.)
    -- know how to get help or information
  * REQ 16e: When human help is available people with learning and
    cognitive disabilities know how to get human help and can manage the
    process easily. This includes allowing a user to find a human by
    pressing a common reserved digit or term (typically the word help,
    or the number 0).
  * REQ 16f: Allow additional third party support such as



Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 13:01:28 UTC