Re: TPAC Breakout proposals: innovative ATs; plus an update on games

Hello all,

I'm chuffed [most pleasantly surprised] to say the session was accepted, and will be on Monday [1] (they've actually allocated an IRC channel for it, too). Please come along if you can :-). Here is a pending request for feedback...

Since proposing the session, I've been working on an outline and slides for the adaptations I want to briefly introduce, and some suggested discussion points. I am attending a11yTO this week but hope to have something publicly shareable on Friday (trying for earlier, but can't be 100%). I realise it's short notice, but any feedback you can offer after I'm able to post the URL would be ace.

I attended the very helpful session on how to facilitate groups inclusively that was run earlier today, which included some tips on accessibility, which was nice!

best regards,



Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group
A Vispero Company

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On 18/10/2020, 15:41, "Matthew Atkinson" <> wrote:

    Hello Jason, all,

    Just an update to say I posted this proposal on the Wiki [1]. Question for the APA chairs: can we use the #apa channel in IRC for this? (I've asked that the meeting be scheduled between 12pm and 5pm UTC on any day except Wednesday, which I may be unable to make, hence I _think_ our channel will be free at any of those times?)

    Also thanks for your interest, Jason, and to the others who contacted me off-list. If this isn't accepted as a breakout I'd still be happy to talk about it in RQTF; I'll be working on a more detailed outline for this shortly, so will use that opportunity to check how close it might be to existing speccing activities, as you suggest.

    Best regards,


    [1] <>
    Matthew Tylee Atkinson
    Senior Accessibility Engineer
    The Paciello Group

    A Vispero Company

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Received on Wednesday, 21 October 2020 21:23:45 UTC