Re: FYI WoT Interest Group call on new use cases Re: Meeting agenda for 24 June 2020

Hi all,

I just got off the WoT Interest Group call/Virtual F2F. The call was 
quite favourable and during the use case/requirements review  I let them 
know of the work done in APA (I didn't get into specific TF details 
etc).  I let them know that I am happy to act as bridge between APA/WoT 
for their current a11y needs to feedback to them and flag items from 
their side for review in this group. Apropos of this we now have a bunch 
more use cases relating to Multi Modal System Integration and 
requirements that they would like us to review. The time frame is over 
the next 3-4 weeks. [1]


As well as the two we have reviewed for the WoT survey tomorrow - those 
use cases are:

* Smart Car Configuration Management

*  Interactive Public Spaces

* Meeting Room Event Assistance

* Health Notifiers 

* Multimodal Recognition Support 

*  Enhancement of Synergistic Interactions 

Jason, can you please add these to the agenda for an upcoming call?

Thanks and any questions please let me know.


Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2020 15:18:24 UTC