Re: Meeting agenda for 15 July 2020

Thanks for letting us know Nicolo - great that you can make it. Jason, 
would it be possible to do the maps agendum early today as Janina and I 
have things to update you all with from our discussion with the 
organisors of the Maps for the Web W3C/OGC workshop?

We also want to get input from Nicolo today.

Thanks in advance


> Nicolò Carpignoli <>
> Wednesday 15 July 2020 10:05
> Hi,
> today I can be available only for the first half hour.
> Talk to you later, have a nice day you all
> *Nicolò Carpignoli*
> *
> *Chialab Design Company
> via Arrigo Lucchini 9
> 40134 Bologna, Italy
> +39 0516154398 int. 507
> <>

Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 10:31:25 UTC