Re: Verifiable Claims/DID User Needs and Use cases

Thanks Jason for the feedback!

Yes. I'm also thinking (and its good to have these out in the open now 
as general questions)

Looking at the VerfClaims 'Triangle of Trust' usually has the 
issuer/user, or detail of user as two separate entities. From an 
accessibility perspective - It does seem to be that we will also  
talking about situations where the claim issuer is also the user.  The 
'claim' may a set of personalisation preferences that a system needs to 
respond to.

In situations between any kind of multiple claim relating to things that 
impact people with disabilities, there are also ethical issues around 
the locus of control. What happens if there is a conflict of authority 
or issues with credential precedence or multiple claims around the same 

We will also need to discuss the relationship between VerfClaim/DID and 
browser fingerprinting, though this may be done in APA.

Interesting stuff, thanks.


Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Monday, 13 January 2020 14:03:45 UTC