web games workshop proposal thoughts

To the RQTF

As discussed at our last meeting, I've now had a chance to read through in detail the proposed web games workshop document.

Few thoughts:

  *   I was surprised that the Accessible Player Experiences work wasn't mentioned as best I can tell: https://accessible.games/accessible-player-experiences/. While the irony isn't lost on me that the page is in itself not as accessible as it could be, there's some good content to consider
  *   Would be good to include the ability to change the visual elements into high contrast as another game UI modification, cant' see it specifically referenced
  *   Agree that an MSAA-style API support similar to ARIA would be a great way to go
  *   May be worth two approaches: formalising a W3C WAI game accessibility guidelines similar to the few ad-hoc approaches out there already to provide industry certainty, and a separate process around the technical aspects of assistive technology and hardware integration. Appreciate Silver/AG may pickup on the first in some capacity but W3C is well placed to provide certainty in this area specifically to gaming.
  *   Also the itmng is great with the XAC release and XR work.


Dr Scott Hollier  Project Manager

Mobile: 0430 351 909

E-mail: scott.hollier@supportmd.org.au<mailto:scott.hollier@supportmd.org.au> |  www.mdaustralia.org.au<http://www.mdaustralia.org.au/>

Received on Monday, 6 May 2019 02:44:36 UTC