Re: Mapping of draft WebRTC user requirements and RFC 5194 ToIP/RTT

On 01/07/2019 15:40, White, Jason J wrote:

> Thank you, Josh, for the draft.
> As a general suggestion, based on recent RQTF meetings, you could consider reworking the introductory material to clarify that these are general real-time communication use cases - not specific to issues affecting the WebRTC specification. You could then separate out the issues that affect WebRTC or other W3C work.

Thanks Jason. Yes, I also think this is the way forward.

> Also, did you search RFC5194 for requirements that aren't covered by any of the existing use cases?

Yes, I'm reviewing them also with the goal of identifying gaps to make 
sure our use cases document bridges some of them. Its quite time 
consuming as we need to figure out the nuances of varying requirements 
for different cohorts. This is why doing the comparison for a specific 
technology like RTT, and the needs of deaf/hard of hearing, is useful 
focussed work.

I have a general question around how applicable some of the use cases, 
for example around relay services for group x, may be useful for other 
cohorts of users, even if not specified for that cohort (if you know 
what I mean).

Anyway, we can discuss further on Weds if we are having a call then.



> For example, the ability to switch between voice/video/real-time text at any point in a conversation, or to invite a relay service into the conversation at any time, seem significant to me and could perhaps be better brought to the fore.
> This document is a solid draft that continues to evolve in the right direction.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshue O Connor <>
> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 7:40 AM
> To: White, Jason J <>
> Cc: RQTF <>;
> Subject: Mapping of draft WebRTC user requirements and RFC 5194 ToIP/RTT
> Hi Jason,
> [+rqtf, +apa]
> As promised I've spent some time reviewing and cross referencing our new WebRTC user requirements against the existing use cases in RFC 5194 which covers in detail requirements for Text Over IP (ToIP/RTT). [1] [2]
> It was an interesting exercise that I also plan to do against EN 301 549 and will update our draft doc at [1]. I've updated each use case where I found either a direct mapping or a strong similarity between them.
> Also in my review I think we have some candidate user requirements that can be merged and thus reduce the candidate user requirement/use case head count. I suggest that we discuss the merging option in general on our upcoming call, so agenda+ for this please.
> We may find that we want to keep these as distinct requirements but we need to discuss.
> Thanks.
> Josh
> [1];;sdata=Y9vf%2FKQkUhEr36jzC7fSFQCnK5ajpDFZ2aq9fkXsg6g%3D&amp;reserved=0
> [2];;sdata=Of6pExGNaCGkmbHrbieclotCeio6NF9Ecks8TRqji9g%3D&amp;reserved=0
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Received on Monday, 1 July 2019 15:14:16 UTC