Feedback on latest CAPTCHA document

To Janina

Happily the URL that Jason pointed me to was the same as I'd be reading so had a really good read through of the note. I reckon it's in a good place for another draft release. Factually it all reads great, there's a few little spots where the writing could be smoothed out a little, e.g. at the beginning of Section 2,

"Since CAPTCHA was first deployed on the web, since the publication of our first W3C Note on CAPTCHA accessibility in 2004,"

The word 'since' is used twice fairy quickly

But it's mainly at this nit-picky level that I can see a few hints which would be easy to pick up with any feedback in the second draft release.

Also on the issue of testing - I tried the CAPTCHA tests again as I had on my trip and they were pretty much replicated as the same, but I should note that I was using the same browsers and mobile devices to do the test. It seems that having the devices in Thailand or Australia didn't affect  things much, but the idea that a lot of analytical processing has happened before the reCAPTCHA box even appears definitely holds up given they were still the devices I use regularly.


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Received on Monday, 14 January 2019 12:58:37 UTC