Feedback on in-browser CAPTCHA research

To the RQTF

Following up on my action item, I've had a look at the product discussed in the GitHub feedback. The product is outlined by the website as "a highly available cluster of reverse proxies, filtering traffic to your origin server." While it does focus on stopping bots, its seems to be more of an automated packet sniffer / analytical server-side security tool that focuses on denial-of-service attacks rather than user interaction. I've done a bit of digging in online discussion forums and to date haven't found anything that specifically suggests it has any elements that interac as a public turing testt with the user, so in my opinion it falls outside the scope of our CAPTCHA accessibity discussion.

Also it looks like I've been accidentally assigned to the wrong response in GitHub - not sure how to reassign it!

Thanks everyone, look forward to the call later today.


[Scott Hollier logo]Dr Scott Hollier
Digital Access Specialist
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Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2019 05:26:58 UTC