First two comment response branches uploaded


Per our conversation on this week's call, there are now two new github
branches providing initial draft responses to comments we've received on
our wide-review CAPTCHA draft.

1.)	The editorial-captcha branch currently contains only the
spelling correction for the word "vicious:"

2.)	The wcag-captcha branch is my first pass at reinforcing the
importance of following WCAG despite the fact that WCAG contains an
exemption for CAPTCHA. This branch is here:

My edits come at two locations in our doc.

	a.)	I added the concept of an "independent volume control"
	where we discuss the general lack of pause, play, rewind, and
	fast forward. However, I did not specifically identify any WCAG
	criteria in this edit.

		b.)	I revised the paragraph where we note the WCAG
		exemption for CAPTCHA and added a summation paragraph to
		that same introductory section to reinforce the notion
		that WCAG should still be observed, even though the
		content of the CAPTCHA has itself been exempted. This
		forced me to find a term to more precisely name what
		WCAG specifically exempts which WCAG itself fails to do.

		I've settled on the term "payload," but we need to
		consider whether that's a good term.  Is it too obscure?
		Will it prove a problem for translations of our eventual

Here's the dict definition of payload:

     1. The part of a missile or torpedo that carries the explosive charge.
          2. The goods carried by a large vehicle.

Very interested in your reactions to this term.




Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2019 17:00:15 UTC