Augmented Reality and Accessibility - wiki page created

Dear colleagues,

As agreed upon at the RQTF meeting last week, I have moved Scott's literature summary regarding Augmented Reality and Accessibility to the wiki - see the link below. I performed the conversion process as follows (documented here just in case others find it useful):

  *   I copied the text from Scott's mail to Microsoft Word. This preserved the existing style and formatting information from the original message (e.g., the heading at the beginning).
  *   I applied heading styles to the subheadings.
  *   I saved the document in Microsoft Word format.
  *   I then ran Pandoc to convert it directly to MediaWiki format, and pasted the results into the wiki page.
In addition, I added a heading for the introductory paragraph.

Please notify me of any formatting issues.

Here's the link:


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Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 20:47:47 UTC