Please review new Captcha Note draft


Thanks to the diligent work of our Research Questions Task Force (RQTF)
and especially Dr. Scott Hollier, APA now has a comprehensively
researched, fully updated and comprehensively rewritten draft of our
long ago published Captcha Note document for your consideration.

As you are no doubt aware, APA has tried on several occasions to update
the 2004 note on captcha without success. We're hopeful this revision
may actually provide us the much needed path to updating that note.

Unless critical problems with the new draft emerge, it is our hope to move
fairly aggressively through the W3C note publication process. This will
include review in APA, then in the wider W3C accessibility community
through the WAI-IG, and finally with the wider public following a First
Public Working Draft (FPWD) publication of this new document.

So, as a first step, please review and comment on the document at:

All comments are most urgently solicited, even if only to say: "I read
it and think it should go forward." It is important to know that many,
hopefully most of us, have taken the time to read the document
critically and to provide comments as you have them to make. For the
moment this solicitation for comments is addressed to the wider APA
community. However, we will soon extend itt to the wider WAI community
unless APA members identify critical problems.

Note only that we're aware some additional editorial work is required
before this draft can become an FPWD, e.g. the provided references need
to be formatted and hyperlinked appropriately. We also hope to
accomplish that task before wider WAI review is solicited.

Thank you for your attention to this long awaited update to W3C's note
on inaccessibility of captcha.

On behalf of the RQTF,

Janina and Jason


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2018 11:20:32 UTC