Collaboration with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

Dear colleagues,

I joined a meeting of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group's Silver subgroup today to discuss potential collaboration with the Research Questions Task Force. The Silver subgroup is responsible for planning the design process that should lead ultimately to the development of the next major revision of the W3C/WAI accessibility Guidelines. It became clear in the course of the meeting that the WCAG design process could potentially enlist the assistance of RQTF in two areas:

1.      Providing methodological advice in the development of surveys, interviews or other instruments for use in systematically collecting information about WCAG from its users and other relevant parties.

2.      Addressing questions that arise from examining research literature that investigates or relies on WCAG, and from assessing derivatives or variants of WCAG requirements published elsewhere.
I plan to continue to coordinate with the Silver subgroup and the WCAG Working Group regarding research questions that lie within the scope of this Task Force, as I think there are genuine collaboration opportunities here and that the expertise of the research community has much to contribute by informing the design of a successor to WCAG 2.x.


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Received on Friday, 21 October 2016 17:49:52 UTC