[researchobject] RO-Crate Call #10 2020-02-27

(Apologies for double-posting!)

The next monthly RO-Crate community call is **next week**,
Thursday 27 Feb 2020 (Friday 28 for some).

Everyone is welcome!

## What is RO-Crate?

RO-Crate is a community effort to establish a lightweight approach to
packaging research data with their metadata. It is based on schema.org
annotations in JSON-LD, and aims to make best-practice in formal
metadata description accessible and practical for use in a wider variety
of situations, from an individual researcher working with a folder of
data, to large data-intensive computational research environments.

## Where did RO-Crate come from?

RO-Crate is the marriage of Research Objects with DataCrate. It aims to
build on their respective strengths, but also to draw on lessons learned
from those projects and similar research data packaging efforts. For
more details, see <https://w3id.org/ro/crate>

## Is there a specification?

Sure! See <https://w3id.org/ro/crate/1.0>

To help evolve this specification, collaborate on use cases and
implementations, you might be interested in joining this monthly
RO-Crate Community conference call; or joining the GitHub team

## When & where

Next RO-Crate community call is:

2020-02-27T20:00Z  <https://everytimezone.com/s/2f08f910>

aka 20:00 GMT, 21:00 CET, 15:00 EST, 12:00 PST, 07:00 AEDT;
Thursday 27 February 2020 for most of us.

Apologies to the Europeans for the late slot.

## Where


## Agenda / live minutes


Feel free to add news/publications/topics/links to the agenda, and
please help take live notes during the call.

### GitHub team

If you have not yet done so, remember to sign up to the RO Crate team
<https://github.com/ResearchObject/ro-crate/issues/1> and then accept the
invitation at https://github.com/orgs/ResearchObject

You will need a GitHub account. 

## Schedule

The next RO Crate meetings will be at:

* 2020-02-27 20:00 UTC 
* 2020-03-26 20:00 UTC (note daylight savings +US)
* 2020-04-23 20:00 UTC (note daylight savings +Europe, -Australia)

## Call details

We use the same call-in details for the recurring meeting:

Join with the Zoom client/app (recommended) or Web browser

If you prefer to call in using telephone, see
meeting number 189-405-531

Or with Skype for Business (I know)

Stian Soiland-Reyes, The University of Manchester
  Please note that I may work flexibly – whilst it suits me to email now, 
  I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2020 16:38:22 UTC