Re: [researchobject] RO-Crate Call #12

(Apologies for cross-posting!)

This is a friendly reminder about the RO-Crate community call 
**tomorrow** Thursday 23 Apr 2020 (Friday 24 for some).

Main topics:

* Updates from Virtual BioHackathon
* Writing RO-Crate tutorials
* RO-Crate Python library
* Demo of Describo: User interface for making RO-Crates
* Preparing RO-Crate 1.1 release

Everyone is welcome!

## When & where

2020-04-23T20:00Z <>

aka 21:00 BST, 22:00 CEST, 16:00 EDT, 13:00 PDT, 06:00 ADT
Thursday 23 Apr 2020 for most of us.

Apologies to the Europeans for the late slot.

## Where


Note that next month there will be a new meeting room URL 

## Agenda / live minutes


Feel free to add news/publications/topics/links to the agenda, and
please help take live notes during the call.

### GitHub team

If you have not yet done so, remember to sign up to the RO Crate team
<> and then accept the
invitation at
(Karl, Alex, Kyle, Jason, Mark)

You will need a GitHub account. Please email me if you prefer to be
taken off this informal email list.

## Schedule

The next RO Crate meetings will be at:

* Thu 2020-04-23 (EU/Australia: check daylight saving!)
* Thu 2020-05-28
* Thu 2020-06-25

## Call details

Join with the Zoom client/app (recommended) or Web browser

If you prefer to call in using telephone, see
meeting number 189-405-531

Or with Skype for Business (I know)

Call details will CHANGE next month.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, The University of Manchester
  Please note that I may work flexibly – whilst it suits me to email now, 
  I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 15:16:33 UTC