Re: Research Object Bundle 1.0

Thank you!
On 17.11.2014 13:43, Kassahun, Ayalew wrote:
> I think the said document can be found at
> Indeed the link leads nowhere.
> Kind regards;
> Ayalew
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Natasa Bulatovic []
>> Sent: maandag 17 november 2014 11:01
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Research Object Bundle 1.0
>> Hi,
>> the link
>> is false..
>> Would you please provide correct link?
>> Thanks,
>> Natasa
>> On 14.11.2014 12:23, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
>>> I am proud to announce the updated Research Object Bundle 1.0, a
>>> specification:
>>> This specification defines RO Bundle, a ZIP-based file format that
>>> bundles resources which when aggregated form an identifiable
>>> conceptual work; say a collection of datasets resulting from a
>>> scientific experiment, or a gathering of logs and outputs from a
>>> particular command line execution.
>>> This specification is accompanied by two APIs for creating and
>>> managing RO Bundles:
>>> Java:
>>> Ruby:
>>> The RO Bundle include a manifest, aggregated resources (which might be
>>> included as files in the ZIP or as external URIs), their annotations
>>> and provenance for the purposes of exporting, archiving, publishing
>>> and transferring the Research Object as a whole.
>>> The structure of the ZIP-file is decided by the user and/or
>>> application, except for the reserved paths for the mediatype, JSON-LD
>>> manifest and annotations.
>>> RO Bundle relies on several existing RDF vocabularies :
>>>    * OAI-ORE - aggregation
>>>    * PROV - general provenance
>>>    * PAV - contributions and sources
>>>    * ORCID - identifying contributors
>>>    * FOAF - describing contributors
>>>    * OA - annotation on aggregated resources
>>>    * RO - research object model
>>> For further comments or suggestions, feel free to use the mailing list
>>> for the W3C ROSC community group -
>>> or raise a Github issue/pull request at
>>> draft
>> --
>> --
>> Natasa Bulatovic
>> Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
>> Amalienstrasse 33
>> 80799 Munich, Germany
>> e-Mail:
>> phone: +49-89-38602-223
>> fax: +49-89-38602-280

Natasa Bulatovic
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
Amalienstrasse 33
80799 Munich, Germany

phone: +49-89-38602-223
fax: +49-89-38602-280

Received on Monday, 17 November 2014 18:02:34 UTC