Re: rif meeting today

On 09/18/2012 12:03 PM, Chris Welty wrote:
> We will meet again Oct. 23 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time in Boston.
> Harold, Michael, and I met today.  Christian joined later.
> FLD, BLD, Core, SWC, OWL2RL, PRD appear done.
> Primer: unfinished. CSMA to contact Gary about contributing to PRD 
> section.
> Proposed phone call Monday 24 sept 3.30PM EDT

If the primer is just a WG Note, as I imagine it will be, then it has 6 
weeks more slack time than the REC-track documents.    We should 
definitely not wait for it before moving the others along.

> FLD, BLD reviews: Chris and Chris will try to get JosDB

Excellent.    It'd be interesting to hear his perspective on the work, now.

> DTB: waiting on Axel. Not getting emails.  WOrks at Siemans now. CSMA 
> will look at making the changes

You have the correct address for him on this email, so he should be 
getting it now.

> XML-data: ready and will be "promoted" to note
> Useful to get Leora, Axel in as invited experts, sandro?

Siemens is a W3C Member, so Axel has to join through their procedure.   
Axel, if that's going to be slow, maybe you should just mail someone (eg 
me) your edits to do to the wiki.

SAIC, unfortunately, is a former W3C Member.     And the IE rules say: 
"Under almost no circumstances will invited expert status be granted to 
an individual whose support comes from an financially solvent 
organization which has terminated its W3C membership."

She could apply anyway, and I'll see if I can get it through, given the 

So it sounds like DTB is the only REC-track document not ready for 
people to be reviewing it, correct?    OWL currently doing a Web-Based 
Survey vote on their documents.   When DTB is done, I imagine we can do 
something like this:

If we have this vote completed in two weeks, I think we can meet 
Harold's suggest goal of being done by ISWC.

     -- Sandro

> -Chris

Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2012 16:32:10 UTC