New Provenance Drafts -- ready for review -- getting close to LC

The Provenance Working Group is happy to announce that 5 working
drafts available for review including a primer, ontology and data
model. These drafts define a model for interchanging provenance on the
Web. We are looking for your input.

To get into the specs, we've prepared some introductory blog posts.
Please have a look.

PROV: synchronized and ready for your input

The PROV ontology – an update

What is new in the Fourth Working Draft of the PROV provenance model?

Again, the group is looking for your feedback and is looking to
finalize the interchange model soon.

co-chair Provenance Working Group
[ & Sandro Hawke, Provenance WG Staff Contact ]

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2012 15:14:05 UTC