RIF-in-RDF published

I finally completed my actions pertaining to RIF-in-RDF and it's now
published as a WG Note.   I ended up in a bit of a crazy rush because
it's cross-linked with the SPARQL Entailment Regimes document, which was
published as Last Call draft yesterday.   (Meanwhile, I'm traveling in
Europe, attending various meetings.)   I got a solid (and very fast)
review before publication from Alex Hall of Revelytix (which has an
implementation), and cursory reviews from Paul Gearon of Revelytix, and
Axel.   If anyone else finds any problems, it's actually pretty easy to
publish another revision, I think.

The ended up taking out the placeholders for the XSLT transform and the
Ontology, since I didn't have time to do those, and I didn't add the
examples Leora requested, again due to lack of time.  I did however,
publish an open-source implementation which can round-trip BLD Example
8, so I have some faith in the details.   Anyway, see:

           -- Sandro

Received on Friday, 13 May 2011 17:39:52 UTC