Re: RIF+XML data ready for publication

  the following suggests that the slot name may only be a literal string:

   1. For all the [nodes]^XDM /e ? E/, /*I*/_truth (/I/_frame (/I/_DM (/e/))(/I/_C ("/expr/"^^xs:string), /RIFValue(e, expr)/)) = *t* (true) for any well-formed XPath expression,/expr/, for which /RIFValue(e, expr)/ is defined;

Another problem with using strings for xpaths is that any typo in the xpath is still a string, and is therefore syntactically valid, but will give unexpected results. Therefore I suggest again that we use a new symbol space, e.g. rif:xpath, rather than overloading xs:string.

On 10/21/2010 2:47 PM, Christian De Sainte Marie wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> "Gary Hallmark" <> wrote on 21/10/2010 16:22:46:
> >
> > Another issue with encoding xpaths in strings is that it invites
> > usage like ?x[fn:concat("eg:" "name")->"Gary"]. This seems forbidden
> > by the semantics, but in a rather cryptic way.
> I did not think of that kind of use, but the semantics does not forbid it.
> And I do not think that it should, either. Of course, doing something like that would probably be bad practice in most cases, but I can imagine cases (e.g. involving manipulating XML documents) where this is what you want, and need, to do.
> For instance (trying to make up an example), you process XML data in a stream, and you have a rule that says: if an element has a child element with name "Name", in any namespace, whose content is a list, then insert an <my:NameCorrespondance> element in the stream, blablabla:
> For all ?x ?pre ?elt ?l ?n(
>  If And(?x[fn:concat(?pre ":" "Name")-> ?l]
>         fn:is-list(?l)))
>  Then Do((?nc New())
>          Assert(?nc["my:fullname"->?l])
>          Assert(?nc["my:firstname"->fn:string(fn:get(?l 0))])
>          Assert(?nc["my:lastname"->fn:string(fn:get(?l fn:numeric-substract(fn:count(?l) 1)))])
>          Assert(?nc#"/my:NameCorrespondance")
>          act:Print(fn:concat("<my:NameCorrespondance><my:fullname>" fn:string(?l) "</my:fullname><my:firstname>" ...))))
> Cheers,
> Christian
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Received on Thursday, 21 October 2010 22:27:14 UTC