See also: IRC log
<csma> PROPOSED: approve meinutes 4 May
<ChrisW> +1
<csma> RESOLVED: approve minutes from May 4
<MichaelKifer> +1
Axel: SPARQL will publish new
round of docs in next 2-3 weeks, suggest looking at entailments
... question from SPARQL WG - need URI to denote RIF import,
use existing RIF namespace?
Sandro: need details before making that decision
Axel: note "under discussion" in draft
<csma> next item
<AxelPolleres> editor's draft version is still undergoing small changes, will keep you updated (or via sandro, if he's ok wirth that)
<AxelPolleres> ah, sorry, I just see the latest draft has URI which is not in the rif-namespace, so it should be fine.
action-1009 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-1009 Review Appendix A of FLD closed
action-1007 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-1007 Review new FLD appendix on herbrand structures closed
action-1006 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-1006 Update PRD changelog closed
action-1005 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-1005 Draft reply to WL closed
action-733 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-733 Review owl-2 rl embedding of combinations closed
csma: everyone talk to ac reps to encourage support for move to recommendation
sandro: when Rec is published (~1 month if goes well), there will a press release, this is an opportunity for member organizations to offer testimonials to include, see guidelines in email
Axel: issue of membership facts was resolved in email, but would still prefer improved phrasing
Sandro: purely editorial changes are OK
<AxelPolleres> Do we need to discharge the contradicting resolution?
<AxelPolleres> with a new one?
csma: does asserting the corresponding frames from OWL ontology using rdf:type instead of membership lead to membership entailments even if no import? (Concerned about implications for PRD)
Axel: yes
... do we need a resolution to bring resolution state up to
correspondence with spec?
csma: thinking about implications for PRD, try writing it down as a test case
<AxelPolleres> so, what about ?
Sandro: something to clarify the record would make sense
csma: clarify question over corresponding OWL frames then agree improved text
<AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: update with the following text in Rif Core
<AxelPolleres> * Equality terms and class membership terms *cannot* occur in universal
<AxelPolleres> facts, variable-free atomic formulas outside of rule premises, or rule
<AxelPolleres> conclusions -- they are allowed only in rule premises
csma: is asserting rdf:type equivalent to asserting #, i.e. does a reference to rdf:type automatically imply SWC even if not an RDF-RIF combination?
sandro: need to import to invoke SWC sections, might be done with an empty document
<AxelPolleres> I would view christian's concern orthogonal...
<AxelPolleres> ... to the RIF Core resolution.
<AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: update with the proposed text in in Section 2.3 of Rif Core
<AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: update with adpoting the proposed text in in Section 2.3 of Rif Core
<csma> * Equality terms and class membership terms *cannot* occur in universal
<csma> > facts, variable-free atomic formulas outside of rule premises, or rule
<csma> > conclusions -- they are allowed only in rule premises.
<Harold> *cannot* should not be emphasized.
Harold: without the emphasis on "cannot"
<csma> PROPOSED: update with including the folling text in section 2.3 of RIF Core: "Equality terms and class membership terms cannot occur in universal facts, variable-free atomic formulas outside of rule premises, or rule conclusions -- they are allowed only in rule premises."
<sandro> +0
<AxelPolleres> 0 ... meaning that in principle I still had preferred # facts in Core (easier to explain, IMO), but I can live with the resolution. Given the implications, this is probably the best we can do now.
<ChrisW> +1
<Harold> +1
<sandro> (right, like axel)
<MichaelKifer> 0
<csma> RESOLVED: update with including the folling text in section 2.3 of RIF Core: "Equality terms and class membership terms cannot occur in universal facts, variable-free atomic formulas outside of rule premises, or rule conclusions -- they are allowed only in rule premises."
csma: wondering if media type registration belongs to core or applies to BLD and PRD
Harold: specified in Core since both BLD and PRD extend core
Sandro: it is in the IANA
registry, does not need duplication to other specs
... points out editorial problem in section "Applications that
use this media type", will deal with it
<sandro> ACTION: sandro to fix the reference to Proposed Rec in the Media Type Registraiton, in Core [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1013 - Fix the reference to Proposed Rec in the Media Type Registraiton, in Core [on Sandro Hawke - due 2010-05-25].
Sandro: as well as talk to AC rep and marketing representatives, should make effort to contact others nominally still in WG to encourage them to support
<scribe> ACTION: Sandro to contact Clevand Clinic to encourage AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1014 - Contact Clevand Clinic to encourage AC support [on Sandro Hawke - due 2010-05-25].
<AxelPolleres> I think Darko is also in Karlsruhe now...
<scribe> ACTION: csma email Markus Krotzsch re AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1015 - Email Markus Krotzsch re AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: csma email Enrico Franconi re AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1016 - Email Enrico Franconi re AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: csma email Luis Polo re AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1017 - Email Luis Polo re AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: axel contact Michael Sintek re AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1018 - Contact Michael Sintek re AC support [on Axel Polleres - due 2010-05-25].
<Zakim> AxelPolleres, you wanted to ask whethrer we have a template for the support mail?
Chris: two things to do - talk to your own AC rep to ask them to vote for it, if you want to be included in press release get someone in marketing area to put testimonial together and submit it
<sandro> 1. Get AC Reps to fill out and support RIF.
<sandro> 2. Get marketing departments to send in testimonials for support, as per
<AxelPolleres> 2 things to do: 1) talk to AC Reps to vote for RIF and 2) to encourage advertising press releases
<AxelPolleres> alright.
<scribe> ACTION: csma contact Mohamed Zergaoui re: AC suport [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1019 - Contact Mohamed Zergaoui re: AC suport [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: sandro contact Igor Mozetic re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1020 - Contact Igor Mozetic re: AC support [on Sandro Hawke - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: csma talk to Ken for Mitre re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1021 - Talk to Ken for Mitre re: AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<AxelPolleres> need to run, sorry...
<scribe> ACTION: csma talk to Guido re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1022 - Talk to Guido re: AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<sandro> Mary Brady @ NIST
<scribe> ACTION: csma talk to Ed Barkmeyer re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1023 - Talk to Ed Barkmeyer re: AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: csma talk to OMG re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1024 - Talk to OMG re: AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: csma talk to Mark Proctor re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1025 - Talk to Mark Proctor re: AC support [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: dave talk to Elisa re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1026 - Talk to Elisa re: AC support [on Dave Reynolds - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: Sandro contact Boeing re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1027 - Contact Boeing re: AC support [on Sandro Hawke - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: dave contact Jeff Pan re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1028 - Contact Jeff Pan re: AC support [on Dave Reynolds - due 2010-05-25].
<scribe> ACTION: Chrisw contact Bijan re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Chrisw
<scribe> ACTION: Chris contact Bijan re: AC support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1029 - Contact Bijan re: AC support [on Christopher Welty - due 2010-05-25].
Chris: have an outline, working
on content at the moment
... starting with simple motivating examples
... primarily aimed at linked data community, focuses on rule
language and why you would want rules
... focused mainly on Core/BLD, might also want PRD but want to
keep short
... timescale not clear yet, try to get estimate for next
<csma> next item
csma: moved to adjorn