[Editorial] more about references


I detected that the referencs to the CURIE document in our specs (BLD, FLD,
SWC, DTB, Core, PRD) was outdated; I corrected the reference in the
mentioned specs.
Then, I've seen that there is a mismatch between BLD and FLD, on the one
hand, and SWC, DTB, Core, and PRD, on the other, in how they cite W3C
documents. Should we correct this mismatch? The style of referencing in the
latter specs (SWC, DTB, Core, PRD) would probably by the way to go, since
it's more accurate (includes a link to the cited version, not just the
latest version).

Cheers, Jos

Jos de Bruijn
 Web:          http://www.debruijn.net/
 LinkedIn:     http://at.linkedin.com/in/josdebruijn

Received on Thursday, 6 May 2010 08:04:21 UTC