- From: Chris Welty <cawelty@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:27:57 -0400
- To: "Public-Rif-Wg (E-mail)" <public-rif-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <4BA8EC0D.9050009@gmail.com>
I forgot to invite rrsagent so the attached are the somewhat cleaned up but not quite html minutes for the meeting. Please check for errors. -Chris -- Dr. Christopher A. Welty IBM Watson Research Center +1.914.784.7055 19 Skyline Dr. cawelty@gmail.com Hawthorne, NY 10532 http://www.research.ibm.com/people/w/welty
Meeting: RIF Telecon 23 March 2010 Chair: Chris Welty Attendees: Mike_Dean, Harold, DaveReynolds, ChrisWelty, josb, AdrianP, Leora_Morgenstern, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, Yuting, Gary (irc), Stella (irc) Regrets: Christian de Sainte-Marie, Sandro Hawke, Michael Kifer Scribe: Dave Reynolds Zakim: SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started Zakim: +Mike_Dean Zakim: +[NRCC] Zakim: +[IPcaller] Harold: zakim, [NRCC] is me Zakim: +Harold; got it Zakim: +[IBM] ChrisWelty: zakim, ibm is temporarily me Zakim: +ChrisWelty; got it ChrisWelty: scribe: DaveReynolds ChrisWelty: scribenick: DaveReynolds ChrisWelty: TOPIC: Admin Zakim: +??P18 Zakim: +??P19 ChrisWelty: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2010Mar/att-0060/rif-minutes-2010-03-16.htm AdrianP: Zakim, ??P18 is me ChrisWelty: zakim, who is on the phone? Zakim: +AdrianP; got it Zakim: On the phone I see Mike_Dean, DaveReynolds, Harold, ChrisWelty, AdrianP, josb Zakim: +Leora_Morgenstern ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: accept last meeting minutes ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: accept last meeting minutes ChrisWelty: TOPIC: Liason ChrisWelty: TOPIC: Actions DaveReynolds: Action-987 closed trackbot: ACTION-987 Fix and respond to editorial changes in swc closed DaveReynolds: action-983 closed trackbot: ACTION-983 Ask Susan M whether her implementation can do this. closed DaveReynolds: action-831 making progress but one proof needs finishing ChrisWelty: TOPIC: Public Comments ChrisWelty: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/Public_Comments ChrisWelty: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-comments/2010Feb/ ChrisWelty: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-comments/2010Feb/0003.html Chris: Public comment from Dan Connolly, no response yet Chris: correction, responded to in March, will ask him to confirm acceptance Jos: did respond to editorial comments on SWC, Ian confirmed acceptance (though not visible in public list) Zakim: +Hassan_Ait-Kaci ChrisWelty: TOPIC: At risk features ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: keep the strictness requirement (feature at risk) reworded as "a conformant implementation must reject a RIF document that contains features that it does not support" josb: Ian sent an email 2010-03-05 confirming that the OWL WG was satisfied with how we addressed their comment josb: it was sent to the comments list josb: q+ Jos: the current requirement is framed as two bullets, how does this proposed change fit? ChrisWelty: replace "A conformant RIF-BLD consumer must reject all inputs that do not match the syntax of BLD. If it implements extensions, it may do so under user control -- having a "strict BLD" mode and a "run-with-extensions" mode. " josb: I will abstain Gary: +1 to the proposal ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Replace "A conformant RIF-BLD consumer must reject all inputs that do not match the syntax of BLD. If it implements extensions, it may do so under user control -- having a "strict BLD" mode and a "run-with-extensions" mode. " with "a conformant implementation must reject a RIF document that contains features that it does not support" Harold: this applies to each spec, not just BLD, the same phrasing is in each. Harold: +1 Jos: This does not change the requirement, simply changes explanatory text, we still require consumers to only support the datatypes in DTB. Jos: this restriction on datatypes is still stated in the first sentence, the proposed phrasing does not change that. Leora: should have an explicit "unless" to clarify that the relation between the first sentence and this new sentence. Chris: Believes Sandro's aim is that the spec should require you to not fail silently. Jos: Replace entire bullet by the new phrase? Harold: clarifies Leora's comment that Sandro's proposed sentence replaces *both* the final two sentences of the bullet. josb: I would propose the replace the 2nd and 3rd bullet of the RIF-BLD specific clauses with "a conformant implementation must reject a RIF document that contains features that it does not support" Chris: "feature" here probably means datatypes and externals ChrisWelty: A conformant RIF implementation must reject any document containing datatypes or builtins it does not support. ChrisWelty: A conformant RIF-BLD consumer must reject any document containing datatypes or builtins it does not support. ChrisWelty: A conformant BLD consumer must reject any document containing datatypes or builtins it does not support. Gary: I prefer feature. E.g. if you receive Neg and don't support it, you must reject, not ignore the Neg ChrisWelty: A conformant BLD consumer must reject any document containing features it does not support. ChrisWelty: PRoposal is to replace the two bullets in RIF-BLD specific clauses with this text Gary: +1 josb: +1 Zakim: + +0122427aaaa Gary: and other specs that have copy/paste these bullets, right? ChrisWelty: clarification: gary, do you want to remove the third bullet about producers, or leave it? Dave: just replace second bullet by this? Leave producer restriction in there? josb: I don't mind two much about the third bullet, although I have a slight preference for getting rid of it ChrisWelty: gary? ChrisWelty: Yuting, who are you? Yuting: Yuting Zhao from Aberdeen, Jeff Pan's group ChrisWelty: ah, ok Leora: voted for proposal to replace both bullets (not appearing on IRC) AdrianP: there is some echo AdrianP: +1 Gary: mild preference to leave 3rd bullet as is josb: FINE ChrisWelty: ok, new proposal replace only second bullet with new text Harold: +1 ChrisWelty: PROPOSAL: replace bullet 2 in "RIF-BLD Specific Clauses" with "A conformant BLD consumer must reject any document containing features it does not support" Zakim: -Leora_Morgenstern ChrisWelty: +1 DaveReynolds: +1 (not as scribe) AdrianP: +1 _mdean: +1 StellaMitchell: +1 Harold: +1 ChrisWelty: +1 (Leora Morgenstern, by phone) ChrisWelty: sandro: +1 (W3C, email proxy) josb: +1 Gary: +1 Yuting: +1 ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: replace bullet 2 in "RIF-BLD Specific Clauses" with "A conformant BLD consumer must reject any document containing features it does not support" ChrisWelty: action: harold to remove at risk feature as per resolution trackbot: Created ACTION-996 - Remove at risk feature as per resolution [on Harold Boley - due 2010-03-30]. ChrisWelty: gary, can you do it for PRD? ChrisWelty: TOPIC: PR Gary: ok ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Request transition to PR for Core Harold: +1 ChrisWelty: +1 (IBM) Harold: (NRC) josb: +1 (myself) ChrisWelty: sandro: +1 (W3C, email proxy) Yuting: +1 ChrisWelty: zakim, who is on the phone? Zakim: On the phone I see Mike_Dean, DaveReynolds, Harold, ChrisWelty, AdrianP, josb, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, +0122427aaaa DaveReynolds: +1 (myself) AdrianP: +1 (myself) StellaMitchell: +1 (self) _mdean: +1 (SRI) Gary: +1 - Oracle _mdean: Zakim: +Leora_Morgenstern Yuting: +0122427aaaa is me, Yuting Zhao from Aberdeen ChrisWelty: zakim, aaaa is Yuting Zakim: +Yuting; got it ChrisWelty: +1 (Leora Morgenstern, self, on phone) ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for Core josb: q+ Jos: what's the timescales? ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Request transition to PR for BLD Chris: two weeks to publish, then schedule PR meeting, so 2-4 weeks. ChrisWelty: +1 (IBM) Harold: +1 (NRC) josb: +1 (self) StellaMitchell: +1 (self) ChrisWelty: sandro: +1 (W3C, email proxy) josb: q? DaveReynolds: +1 (self) ChrisWelty: +1 (Leora Morgenstern, self, on phone) josb: q- _mdean: +1 (SRI) Yuting: +1 (aberdeen) AdrianP: +1 (self) ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for BLD ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Request transition to PR for PRD ChrisWelty: +1 (IBM) DaveReynolds: +1 (self) Harold: +1 (NRC) ChrisWelty: sandro: +1 (W3C, email proxy) josb: +1 (self) StellaMitchell: +1 (self) ChrisWelty: +1 (Leora Morgenstern, self, on phone) AdrianP: +1 (self) Zakim: -Leora_Morgenstern _mdean: +1 (SRI) Yuting: +1 (aberdeen) ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for PRD ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Request transition to PR for DTB ChrisWelty: +1 (IBM) StellaMitchell: +1 (self) DaveReynolds: +1 (self) Harold: +1 (NRC) Yuting: +1 (Aberdeen) AdrianP: +1 (self) _mdean: +1 (SRI) ChrisWelty: sandro: +1 (W3C, email proxy) josb: +1 (self) ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for DTB Gary: +1 - Oracle ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Request transition to PR for SWC ChrisWelty: +1 (IBM) AdrianP: +1 (self) Gary: +1 - Oracle josb: +1 (self) Yuting: +1 (Aberdeen) StellaMitchell: +1 (self) _mdean: +1 (SRI) DaveReynolds: +1 (self) ChrisWelty: Sandro: +1 (W3C - email proxy) Zakim: +Leora_Morgenstern Harold: + 2 (Michael: +1 email proxy, for all rtransition requests) ChrisWelty: Leora: +1 (self - by phone) Gary: +1 - Oracle - PRD ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for SWC ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for FLD ChrisWelty: PROPOSED: Request transition to PR for FLD josb: +1 (self) DaveReynolds: +1 (self) Harold: +2 (Michael: +1 email proxy, for all transition requests) ChrisWelty: +1 (IBM) Yuting: +1 (Aberdeen) AdrianP: +1 (self) StellaMitchell: +1 (self) Gary: +1 - Oracle ChrisWelty: sandro: +1 (W3C - email proxy) ChrisWelty: Leora: +1 (self - phone) ChrisWelty: RESOLVED: Request transition to PR for FLD Chris: congratulations! Especially to all the editors. Zakim: -josb Zakim: +??P19 Chris: revert to fortnightly telecons from now on Chris: work on final documents - OWL 2 RL, use cases (need to decide), Primer, RDF Syntax ChrisWelty: TOPIC: RIF Primer Chris: strong feedback on need for primer to make RIF accessible to target audience Leora_M: and just in time, I can now type on the IRC Leora: Sketched suggested Primer outline via email. Would like to work with someone who can represent the target audience. Chris: willing to help AdrianP: Hi Leora, would be interested to join as editor of primer - contributing things from UCR and lectures about Rif Harold: also interested in contributing Leora_M: Okay, so so far we have the following people interested: Chris Welty, Adrian, Harold, me Chris: RIF primer should be even simpler than OWL primer, very example driven, target to people such as linked data community Chris: get large body of interested users then implementations will follow Leora: should get into nuts and bolts of how to use RIF, so somewhat different from OWL Primer focus AdrianP: yes, we need to skip details which are not needed for using RIF Harold: Examples can give use this focus on the RIF essentials. Chris: asks if at least Leora can get access to Silk BLD implementation to test examples AdrianP: a running business rules example would be a good such as typical e-commerce rule set (discount rules or something like this) TOPIC: AOB Chris: confirm timing for next telecon via email Chris: adjourned Zakim: -Hassan_Ait-Kaci Zakim: -josb Zakim: -AdrianP AdrianP: bye ChrisWelty: rrsagent, make logs public Zakim: -Leora_Morgenstern Yuting: bye Zakim: -Harold ChrisWelty: zakim, list attendees Zakim: As of this point the attendees have been Mike_Dean, Harold, DaveReynolds, ChrisWelty, josb, AdrianP, Leora_Morgenstern, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, +0122427aaaa, Yuting Zakim: -Yuting Zakim: -Mike_Dean ChrisWelty: Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to invite RRSAGENT!
Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 16:36:33 UTC