[SWC] status of proofs in appendix

I started working on the proofs. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to
finish updating them; basically, the proof main lemma for the embedding of
RIF-OWL2RL combinations still needs to be finished.

I have updated and included the proof for the RDFS embedding, as well as the
RIF-OWL2RL normalization lemma. I also found that the notation used in the
proof of the embedding of RIF DL-document formulas into RIF BLD (section
9.2.1) was outdated, so I fixed the proof.

Best, Jos
Jos de Bruijn
 Web:          http://www.debruijn.net/
 LinkedIn:     http://it.linkedin.com/in/josdebruijn
 Skype:        josdebruijn
 Google Talk:  jos.debruijn@gmail.com
 Mobile phone: +43 660 313 5733

Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 14:17:29 UTC