Re: please look over pubs, esp changelogs

On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 05:51 -0500, Christian De Sainte Marie wrote:
> Hi Sandro, 
> Sandro wrote on 22/06/2010 01:15:16:
> > 
> > Please look over the docs asap for any showstopper problems.  I
> think
> > some of the changelogs are slightly wrong (not updated for Rec). 
> Going back to when do we have to track changes in the change log? PR,
> CR, LC? 
> If it is PR and there is no change do we leave the empty changelog, or
> do we remove the section altogether? 

I think there should always be a changelog, even if it says "No
changes."  I would keep enough of a changelog to have 5-20 items or 1/4
to 1/2 a page, if printed.  If it's much longer than that, I'd trim it
to the changes of just the most recent publication round(s).

This is supported by the SOTD text, as in:

   -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 22 June 2010 12:58:22 UTC