Re: [PRD] Rule instances, refraction and Modify [Was: Re: Fwd: Clips behavior]

Christian De Sainte Marie wrote:
> All,
> Gary wrote on 01/02/2010 01:01:11:
> >
> >> 3. the binding of the rule (universal) variables is not always
> >> discriminant enough to characterize a rule instance [...]
> >
> > Can you do a simple transformation:
> >
> > Rule: FORALL ?x, ?y, ?z, IF test(?x) AND ( ?y=1 AND foo(?y) OR ?
> > z=B AND bar(?z) ) THEN...
> >
> > And then use our existing rule instances. I'm a bit concerned about a
> > new notion of matchedFact. I don't know what that is, exactly.
> As we discussed yesterday, this would be a very nice way to correct 
> the problem and cover the case of disjunctive rules.
> Unfortunately, I cannot find the right way to normalize :-(
> The transformation that you propose does not work, since ?y will 
> always be bound to 1 and ?z to B, whether the instance matched foo(1) 
> or bar(B) (and, thus, the two different instances will always have the 
> same bindings for all their universal variables).
I don't understand. Surely if the only fact is foo(1), then ?y is bound 
to 1 and ?z is unbound. Similarly, if the only fact is bar(B), then ?y 
is unbound and ?z is bound to B...
> I could not find a way to keep the current definition of rule instance 
> and still cover the case of disjunctions without adding a dummy 
> variable that differentiate the disjuncts. Something like:
> Rule: FORALL ?x ?y, IF test(?x) AND ( (foo(1) AND ?y=1) OR (bar(B) AND 
> ?y=2) ) THEN...
> That's ugly, but that works. So, the trick is not to normalize the 
> conditions in a way similar to CLP for the purpose of defining rule 
> instances, but define rule instances wrt to rules are put in the same 
> disjunctive normal form as specified for the purpose of defining 
> safeness, with an extra universal variable added, that is equated to a 
> different value in each top-level disjunct.
> Since we can reuse the same normal form as for defining safeness, the 
> change in hte text is not that big (something like a couple lines 
> added before the -essentially unchanged- definition of rule instance).
> That solution is less elegant than what Gary suggested, but I cannot 
> find a better one; and it works (since it is essentially equivalent to 
> rewriting disjunctive rules into a set of conjunctive ones).
> I propose that we use it, unless or until somebody finds a better way 
> to do the same thing.
> Cheers,
> Christian
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Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 16:28:10 UTC