Re: [PRD] Refraction Semantics may be WRONG!

Thanks, Paul. But this looks more like the modify_loop test. Can you 
specify a condition

exists(x.count > 0);

or perhaps,


Do these rules also loop?

Paul Vincent wrote:
> TIBCO BusinessEvents rule engine also loops in this case - the action 
> is updating a property in the rule condition so the rule is placed 
> back on the agenda. In some other rule engines, the condition state 
> change (versus referenced rule variable state change) is what 
> determines whether a rule is placed back on the agenda.
> [Assuming I interpreted/mapped the PRD rule specification correctly... 
> I’m not sure whether ?C is just an intermediate term required by RIF’s 
> expression language, or whether this is part of the test (have a rule 
> variable or term that is not a rule variable). Either way, I can’t see 
> how adding another rule or simple variable will halt the rule looping 
> without some external influencer. ]
> Cheers
> Paul Vincent
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> > On Behalf Of Gary Hallmark
> > Sent: 17 November 2009 00:36
> > To: RIF WG
> > Cc: neal Wyse
> > Subject: [PRD] Refraction Semantics may be WRONG!
> >
> > I've discovered that refraction in OBR and Jess do not conform to the
> > PRD spec. In particular, the
> > test case will always
> > loop. The issue is that the PRD spec includes only the Forall variables
> > in the rule instance, but my system(s) also includes the Exists
> > variables in the rule instance.
> >
> > What do the other PR systems do? Can you please try the Modify_noloop
> > test?
> >

Received on Tuesday, 17 November 2009 20:33:33 UTC