Re: [RIF] ACTION-944: Summarize issue of imports argument and propose a solution

> A Link -- or Const of type rif:link, <Const type="&rif;link">IRI</Const>
> -- differs from a Const of type rif:iri, <Const
> type="&rif;iri">IRI</Const>,  
> in that it is interpreted as the Group to which its IRI dereferences.
> The notion of IRI dereferencing can refer to the W3C Recommendation
> Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One:
> "3.1. Using a URI to Access a Resource"
> (

Hold on. How do you define this? Are you talking about PRD or also about
logical dialects? I think referring to that W3C recommendation would not
fit even in the operational semantics of PRD.
But for logical dialects, what's the model theory of those rif:link constants?


On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 18:12:14 -0500
"Boley, Harold" <> wrote:

> > Do you imagine a Link would ever make sense to have somewhere inside a
> > Condition, in some RIF dialect?  If so, what would it mean?
> Yes, a locator IRI could be used in a RIF dialect with 'Implicational
> Goals'.
> A version of these is described, e.g., in Joshua S. Hodas' and Dale
> Miller's
> Representing Objects in a Logic Programming Language with Scoping
> Constructs:
> "When an implication is to be proved, the term on the left of the
> implication
> is added to the current program, and an attempt is made to prove the
> term on
> the right."
> (
> The antecedent of an implication inside a Condition could either be
> an explicit Group or an IRI of type rif:link dereferencing to a Group.
> >                                                              How would
> > it be different from a Const?
> A Link -- or Const of type rif:link, <Const type="&rif;link">IRI</Const>
> --
> differs from a Const of type rif:iri, <Const
> type="&rif;iri">IRI</Const>,
> in that it is interpreted as the Group to which its IRI dereferences.
> The notion of IRI dereferencing can refer to the W3C Recommendation
> Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One:
> "3.1. Using a URI to Access a Resource"
> (
> This (Const of type rif:link) interpretation
> can also be used for <Import>.
> Within the <location> and <profile> role tags,
> we initially had <Const> tags of type rif:iri:
> <Document>
>   <directive>
>     <Import>
>        <location>
>          <Const type="&rif;iri">IRI</Const>
>        </location>
>        <profile>
>          <Const type="&rif;iri">IRI</Const>
>        </profile>?
>     </Import>
>   </directive>*
>   <payload>Group</payload>?
> </Document>
> I would now rephrase things so that the <Const> here is
> not of type rif:iri but of type rif:link, as follows:
> <Document>
>   <directive>
>     <Import>
>        <location>
>          <Const type="&rif;link">IRI</Const>
>        </location>
>        <profile>
>          <Const type="&rif;link">IRI</Const>
>        </profile>?
>     </Import>
>   </directive>*
>   <payload>Group</payload>?
> </Document>
> We would thus have rif:iri, rif:link, rif:local,
> and xs:... constants.
> Adding the value "&rif;link" to the attribute type
> of the element <Const> is even easier in BLD and PRD
> than introducing a new element <Link>.
> Harold
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Welty [] 
> Sent: December 10, 2009 12:53 PM
> To: Boley, Harold
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [RIF] ACTION-944: Summarize issue of imports argument and
> propose a solution
> Harold,
> Could you take a look at this?  We need to come to closure on this
> issue.
> -Chris
> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> >> ACTION-944 is about the XML syntax of the <Import> type tag
> >> and possible related classes that RIF dialects may require.
> >> The <Import> class contains a <location> role tag and an
> >> optional <profile> role tag.
> >>
> >> Within those <location> and <profile> role tags, we initially
> >> had <Const> type tags:
> >>
> >> <Document>
> >>   <directive>
> >>     <Import>
> >>        <location>
> >>          <Const type=3D"&rif;iri">IRI</Const>
> >>        </location>
> >>        <profile>
> >>          <Const type=3D"&rif;iri">IRI</Const>
> >>        </profile>?
> >>     </Import>
> >>   </directive>*
> >>   <payload>Group</payload>?
> >> </Document>
> >>
> >> We then noticed that the IRI content here is not a rif:iri
> >> but an xs:anyURI. So this calls for a class different from
> >> <Const>, which could be called <Link>, as follows:
> >>
> >> <Document>
> >>   <directive>
> >>     <Import>
> >>        <location>
> >>          <Link type=3D"&xs;anyURI">IRI</Link>
> >>        </location>
> >>        <profile>
> >>          <Link type=3D"&xs;anyURI">IRI</Link>
> >>        </profile>?
> >>     </Import>
> >>   </directive>*
> >>   <payload>Group</payload>?
> >> </Document>
> > 
> > Do you imagine a Link would ever make sense to have somewhere inside a
> > Condition, in some RIF dialect?  If so, what would it mean?  How would
> > it be different from a Const?
> > 
> >      -- Sandro
> > 
> > 

Received on Friday, 18 December 2009 23:39:10 UTC