Re: Exit Criteria

Looks okay to me.
The implementation requirements for BLD and PRD are a bit vague, but I
don't mind.

Best, Jos

Chris Welty wrote:
> I edited Sandro's proposal, in particular I lowered the bar on DTB a
> little by not required two complete DTB implementations, just two
> implementations of each datatype & builtin (DTB is v. large and there
> isn't a lot of time).
> I removed the OWL-DL requirement for SWC, making it at least one RDF and
> at least one OWL.
> I removed the requirement that proposed FLD dialects be implemented.
> Comments?  We need to vote on this Tuesday.
> -Chris
> Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>>   PROPOSED: approve exit criteria
>> Sorry, I was supposed to draft something for this a while ago.  Here's
>> what I've got.   I haven't had a chance to run it by the chairs.
>>     -- Sandro

Jos de Bruijn  

Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 12:39:07 UTC