Public comments

I've collected the latest public comments (through this morning) on the main RIF 
wiki page in the same table as before (since, in point of fact, our previous 
public comments are public comments), and generated wiki pages for all of them 
and a few more obvious responses.

Although the response was not overwhelming, all of the comments are supportive. 
  In particular we have

Support for equality in conclusion: 2
Implementations: 4
Support for future dialects: 6

Benjamin suggested the lack of a public response is because the specifications 
are simply non-controversial.

Basically, there are some minor criticisms, which need to be addressed, but 
overall I think we are ready to go to CR.  In my next message, I will propose a 
resolution for the next telecon.

Minor critisisms that need to be addressed:

Paul Fodor: My second comment/question is about equality. The core dialect only 
allows equality in rule premises which is puzzling to me because I don't see how 
is then used (how terms are 'defined' as equal).

Ben Grosof: PRD is a good initial step but essentially has a procedural 
operational semantics rather than declarative model-theoretic semantics, thus is
not "fully" semantic in that sense and does not support interoperability nearly 
as satisfactorily as logic dialects/approaches that do have such.

Wolgang Launs message has a number of critical points.  We've responded but will 
need to have him say he's satisified.

Tom Gordon: RIF, like SWRL before it,  define a bunch of "builtin"
predicate and function symbols.   I would have much preferred a more
general and extensible method for attaching procedures, defined using
existing programming langauges.

Nick Bassiliades has some critical points about the XML that need to be addressed.

Dr. Christopher A. Welty                    IBM Watson Research Center
+1.914.784.7055                             19 Skyline Dr.                           Hawthorne, NY 10532

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 15:43:05 UTC