Re: snapshots

> rdf:text is available at:

And in snapshot form at:
which is now linked from the WG homepage.

(I don't have a good architecture for these joint-WG drafts.  That
documents considers itself one of the 9 current OWL drafts.  I'll edit
that stuff by hand when we're actually ready to publish.)

> We are stil discussing "facets" (i.e. things like minInclusive, =
> minLength, ...)
> and I would like to solicit the groups opinion whether we think they=20
> should be included in the datatype or not. I can explain the issue in =
> more=20
> depth at the f2f.

Yes, I believe it's on the agenda now.

    -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2008 11:48:55 UTC