Re: [Admin] Agenda for F2F11

The agenda contains two items that are > 1 year old, are not urgent, and can
be easily handled by email:

#  Technical design: User-defined data models and fixed interpretation fct and
   predicates (ISSUE-37, ISSUE-38, ISSUE-33) (1h)
#  Technical design: Inclusion of rule sets (ISSUE-39) (30 mn) 

It is a waste to ask people to travel across the ocean for that.
I propose to instead leave time for other issues:

1. PS
2. Move more stuff to Friday so that Leora will
   be able to attend more of the discussions that
   are relevant to her.
3. Issues that will arise during the F2F
4. 6pm end time is a bit late on Saturday.
   A number of people will have to leave earlier.


On Thu, 11 Sep 2008 09:06:25 +0200
Christian de Sainte Marie <> wrote:

> All,
> We added a draft agenda for F2F11 on the meeting's wiki page [1].
> Cheers,
> CC&S
> [1]

Received on Friday, 19 September 2008 22:49:37 UTC