RE: [RIF-Abridge PS] ACTION-569

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for creating this page. Why not also include *all* PS syntactic rules
and conventions, whether abridged or not, explicitly including all the rules
imported from other W3C WG's documents (as used by Axel's EBNF rules for the
APS)? It'd be nice not to have to go back and forth between 4 or 5 documents
in order to have the whole picture.

Thank you.

Hassan Aït-Kaci  *  ILOG, Inc. - Product Division R&D

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Adrian Paschke
Sent: Mon 9/1/2008 11:01 AM
Subject: [RIF-Abridge PS] ACTION-569 

I have created a page to document the abridged presentation syntax

- Adrian

Received on Monday, 1 September 2008 12:12:02 UTC