Re: [PRD] PICK specification (round 3)


A small correction/precision re the agreed on specification for PICK: wrt recency, we agreed that "most recent first" (what Gary called LIFO) will be in the one strategy to be normatively specified.

That is, the precise strategy is: "remove refracted instances, then select instances with highest priority, then select most recent instances, then use whatever selection method you want, if there is still a tie".

Christian de Sainte Marie wrote:
> [...]
>> Second, we order A by (priority, age).  We order by decreasing 
>> priority, then by increasing or decreasing age, depending on whether 
>> PICK's order argument is LIFO or FIFO, respectively.

Changed to:
<<Second, we order A by decreasing priority, then by increasing age.>>


Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 14:55:22 UTC