Re: comments on rdf:text solicited

I can review it by the end of next week, but not earlier.

Best, Jos

Quoting Chris Welty <>:

> We need two reviewers for the draft from RIF.  Volunteers?
> -Chris
> Axel Polleres wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> find at
>> the prefinal version of the rdf:text datatype, now with   
>> Xquery/Xpath-style built-in functions added.
>> I have added a rudimentary set of built-ins.
>> The most essential ones are those from seciton 4.1. to assemble and  
>>  disassemble rdf:text.
>> The others (sections 4.2, 4.3) are mostly syntactic sugar, which is  
>>  shown by for most of them also a declared XQuery function being   
>> given to emulate them. Still, I think these are important enough to  
>>  be kept in the spec.
>> An exception is  fn:matches-language-range which exposes language   
>> range matching as defined in RFC 4647 (part of BCP-47) as a   
>> built-in function.
>> I think thee cover the most essential functions needed for rdf:text.
>> The RIF versions of these will be defined in an update of DTB,   
>> along with examples how to emulate (min-/max-length, etc.) facets   
>> using these functions in RIF rules.
>> Please comment until mid next week latest, since the OWL group   
>> really needs this document to be finished.
>> Axel
> -- 
> Dr. Christopher A. Welty                    IBM Watson Research Center
> +1.914.784.7055                             19 Skyline Dr.
>                           Hawthorne, NY 10532

Received on Friday, 24 October 2008 16:31:23 UTC