Re: [PRD] PRD Review By Example

No, I do not want to consider the FPWD.  I expect that editors are 
working on the latest version that is maintained on the wiki, and I 
expect that editors don't have a private offline copy with extensive 
changes. Changes should me made visible at least daily. We agreed in the 
last telecon that we would each review the wiki version.  I have 
identified issues that need to be addressed.  For additional visibility 
into the PRD editing process, my issues may generate resolutions about 
what/how to modify the document, and actions about who will modify the 

Christian de Sainte Marie wrote:
> Gary and all,
> I just browsed through your comments, yet, so this is only a quick 
> comment re the subject: trying the semantics with examples is a very 
> good thing, indeed. But I suggest that you try the semantics in the 
> July FPWD, or wait a couple more days for the current wiki version to 
> be updated.
> Just as a reminder: although there is no specific warning in the 
> current draft on the wiki, the "rules and ruleset" section is not 
> uptodate, as I said during the PRD telecon (but maybe not clearly 
> enough).
> It is mostly the version that was published in July, with a couple ad 
> hoc changes, but not aligned with the remainder of the document 
> anymore. E.g., as Gary notices, the notion of an instance of a rule is 
> still used, but it is not defined anymore, etc.
> My understanding was that that part (the semantics of rulesets, 
> including conflict resolution) would be the main subject of our 
> discussion in Orlando, and I planned to have it tidied by next Tuesday.
> Gary, actually, I think that it would be interesting if you could try 
> your example on the smenatics as it is described in the FPWD, since I 
> do not plan to change anything re the content, only align the form to 
> the editorial changes in the other parts of the document.
> Cheers,
> Christian
> Gary Hallmark wrote:
>> This is a case-oriented review of the current PRD spec on the wiki. 
>> It attempts to use the spec to give meaning to
>> the following simple ruleset, and identifies a number of issues 
>> uncovered. Overall, I'm encouraged that the spec
>> generally seems to "work" -- many of the issues are largely editorial 
>> (save for the problems with PICK, which I address
>> somewhat here and in detail in a seperate email.
>> Prefix(p someIRI)
>> p:A(0)
>> (* r1 *)Forall ?x (p:A(?x) :- p:A(External(func:numeric-minus(?x 1))))
>> Issue 1: We must state that all "initial facts" in the ruleset RS 
>> (here, p:A(0)) are removed from RS and become the initial working 
>> memory w<sub>0</sub>
>> so, after this step, we have
>> w = {p:A(0)}
>> RS = (* r1 *)Forall ?x (p:A(?x) :- p:A(External(func:numeric-minus(?x 
>> 1))))
>> c = (w, {}, nil, nil) i.e. the initial configuration is the initial 
>> facts and an empty set of rule instances.
>> We have added a third component to the configuration: the rule 
>> instance that is picked.
>> Now, we execute the first cycle of the transistion system.
>> s = {} because instances(c) is {}
>> c' = (w, INSTANTIATE(w, RS), PICK(LIFO, c))
>> Issue 2: INSTANTIATE returns a set of Inst(R). This is undefined.
>> I guess it is a pair (rule-id, consistent-substitution), and that 
>> furthermore it must return *all* such pairs.
>> Issue 3: picked(c) from my new PICK specification should be changed 
>> to mean the rule instance picked
>> from the prior configuration to arrive at the current configuration. 
>> And the transistion system that calls PICK must
>> save the returned rule instance as picked(c').
>> So,
>> c' = (w, (r1, {?x->1}), nil)
>> Now, the second cycle
>> s = extractActions((r1, {?x->1})) because PICK is trivial - only 1 
>> rule instance exists
>> Issue 4: extractActions seems a bit underspecified as to how it 
>> "grounds" the actions in the rules,
>> which may have variables. Also, its argument should be a single rule 
>> instance, not a list.
>> I guess it is supposed to "plug in" the substitutions, so
>> s = {p:A(1)}
>> Now, the RIF-PRD transition system says
>> ({p:A(0)}, p:A(1), w') →RIF-PRD if and only if, for every ground 
>> formula φ in W,
>> w' |= φ if and only if And({p:A(0)} p:A(1)) |= φ
>> Issue 5: And(...) is undefined. We must define the PS before the 
>> semantics if we use the PS in the semantics.
>> Also, this And takes a set as its first argument. I'll replace the 
>> set with its member:
>> ({p:A(0)}, p:A(1), w') →RIF-PRD if and only if, for every ground 
>> formula φ in W,
>> w' |= φ if and only if And(p:A(0) p:A(1)) |= φ
>> w' = {p:A(0) p:A(1)}
>> Note: w' is not uniquely determined. E.g. w' = {And(1=1 p:A(0) 
>> p:A(1))} is ok, too. I guess this is fine.
>> c' = (w', INSTANTIATE(w', RS), (r1, {?x->1})) = ({p:A(0) p:A(1)}, 
>> {(r1, {?x->1}), (r1, {?x->2})}, (r1, {?x->1}))
>> Now, the third cycle. Interesting because we need to pick one of the 
>> two rule instances.
>> Issue 6: PICK is ill-defined.
>> See my email proposal. According to the new specification, assuming 
>> the rule is declared as repeatable, the agenda is:
>> {(0, 0, (r1, {?x->2}))}
>> and thus its only rule instance is returned.
>> s = {p:A(2)}
>> w' = {p:A(0) p:A(1) p:A(2)}
>> c' = ({p:A(0) p:A(1) p:A(2)}, {(r1, {?x->1}), (r1, {?x->2}), (r1, 
>> {?x->3})}, (r1, {?x->2}))
>> Note that if r1 is declared *not* repeatable, then the agenda would 
>> be empty in the third cycle and the system terminates.

Received on Friday, 17 October 2008 16:55:31 UTC