Re: [PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 14 October

Christian de Sainte Marie wrote:
> 2. Actions in PRD (30 mn)
> - Continued from last week [1]; see also Changhai's email and following 
> thread [2]

Rather than focus on the semantics I proposed initially for Assert and Retract, which I hoped was correctand useful, but which was meant mostly to start the ball rolling, I propose that we discuss and decide:
- first what are the actions we *need* to be able to represent in PRD;
- then, what set of action primitives (atoms) is the most *useful* to represent all of them;
- last, what is the most appropriate concrete RIF-PRD syntax for these primitives.

To start the first step, I started a wiki page [1], where I listed the elementary actions that correspond to the action primitives in OMG PRR OCL and in the current draft of PRD.

I invite you to complete the table by adding a column for you system, and checking those actions that it is able to represent (e.g., with some indication of the syntax), and by adding rows for any additional actions that your system is able to represent.

The completed table would provide useful input to the discussion.




Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 19:54:38 UTC